After my twelve hour work day I was sooo ready for a little R & R, but I got a call from the one and only Cat on the way home. She reminded me that I was supposed to meet up with them and some friends for karaoke. Boooo. I didn't have any plans the following day and I really did need the drink, so I man-ed (manned? maned?) up. I took a quick nap, got some food, played with Tallulah and was off to the bar by 10 o'clock.

What started as a couple beers only night turned into shots and gin and pineapple/orange (amazing btw!) which led to what else?! We were at a karaoke bar for pete's sake! I did my classic rendition of Miss Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats," as always. Sucked, as always, but we had a blast minus a tiny bump at the very end. Came home at 2:30 and let Tallulah walk all over my face while I tried to sleep since I felt guilty leaving her most of the day. Miraculously, woke up hangover-free and did a whole lot of nothing ALL DAY sunday. It was marvelous.